Vasily Tatishchev

Vasily Tatishchev (Russian Василий Никитич Татищев, scientific transliteration Vasilii Nikitič Tatiščev; * Apriljul 19 / 29 April 1686greg in Pskov, .. .. † 15 Julijul / 26 July 1750greg in Boldino ) was a Russian statesman, historian, geographer and ethnographer, who is best known as the author of the first comprehensive work on the history of Russia. Throughout this work, he sticks to the idea that autocracy is the best form of government for Russia.


Tatischtschew came in the estate of his father in Pskov in a noble family to the world, which led to their origin Rurik. After completion of the engineering school he participated in the Great Northern War against Sweden in part. In the service of Peter the Great, he was an influential position in the Office of Foreign Affairs, which he used later to oppose the policy of the Supreme Secret Council and to support the enthronement of Empress Anna in 1730. As a reward, he was entrusted by Anna with a lucrative office of the management of Ural factories and mines. In this post, he founded the cities of Perm and Yekaterinburg, which since then became important centers of the Urals. A monument in his honor was opened in Perm in 2003. The city of Stavropol Volzhskii (now Togliatti ) owes its founding Tatischtschew. Tatischtschew ended his career as governor of the province of Astrakhan between 1741 and 1745. This task he had been employed by Empress Anna to end the unrest among the Kalmyks in the province. He hoped, in vain, to be released after the inauguration of Empress Elisabeth of this item; He was released finally in July 1745 because of disagreements. Tatischtschew died at his estate near Moscow Boldino on July 15 in 1750.


After the withdrawal from the government service the elder statesman has devoted his life to scientific work. Out of the feeling that the Russian historiography has been neglected so far, he began research in this area. He discovered and published several monumental historical works of the law of Russia, including the Russkaya Pravda from the 11th century and the Sudebnik from 1550. Magnum opus His was the first outline of Russian history, entitled Russian history since the earliest times and was divided into five volumes published after his death. He also created the first encyclopedic dictionary of Russian language. The scientific value of Tatischtschews work was not without controversy, as some historians him, to have worked with unreliable sources accused. Recently, however, many of dubious sources were confirmed as credible.
