Vasta, Estonia

59.45638926.691667Koordinaten: 59 ° 27 'N, 26 ° 42 ' E

Vasta ( German Waschel ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Viru Nigula ( Viru - Nigula vald ) in the Estonian Lääne -Virumaa.

Location and description

Vasta located 22 kilometers north-east of Rakvere. The village has 54 inhabitants ( 2006). The settlement was mentioned under the name Uvaskæthæ ( Waskethe ) for the first time in 1241.

Good Vasta

The manor of Vasta was first mentioned in documents in 1398. In the 17th century it was owned by the Wrangel family. Last owner before the expropriation in the course of the Estonian land reform of 1919 was the Baltic German nobility Reinhold von Winkler. Since 1940, a school is housed in the main building.

The estate was given its present appearance at the turn of the 18th to 19th century. In 1800, the two-storey mansion was completed with a high roof in the style of early classicism. The building is outwardly simple. The stuccoed reception rooms upstairs are still visible today. Together with the numerous outbuildings received the good a symmetrical shape. A 2.2 -acre park stretches behind the mansion.

In the solid looking manager's house to celebrate the creator of the Estonian national epic " Kalevipoeg ", Friedrich Reinhold Kreutz Forest (1803-1882), and his wife Marie Elisabeth Saedler (1805-1888) in 1833, her wedding party.
