Vastus intermedius muscle

The vastus intermedius (Latin for " medium broad muscle ", " medium wide thigh muscle " or "average leg muscle " ) is one of the anterior muscles of the thigh. He is part of the quadriceps femoris ( four -headed thigh muscle). In the tendon of the quadriceps, the patella is embedded as a sesamoid bone. Patellar ligament About the tendon is finally attached to the tibial tuberosity of the tibia and forms the approach of the muscle.

The distal ( closest to the right knee) portion of the muscle is also known as articular muscle genus (Latin muscle of the knee joint ) refers.

As a rule, the vastus intermedius is completely hidden behind the rectus femoris, the most powerful extensors of the knee joint.


The vastus intermedius stretches along with the other muscles of the quadriceps femoris, radiate their tendons in the common tendon, the knee joint. Imbalances of these muscles, such as paralysis, practice cross forces on the kneecap, which can lead to habitual dislocation of the patella.

  • Skeletal muscle of the lower limb
  • Kneecap