Važecká Cave

The Važecká Cave ( German Važecer stalactite cave ) is a cave in the mountains Kozie chrbty immediately south of the community Važec ( Okres Liptovsky Mikulas ) in the north of Slovakia. The cave is 530 m long, of which a 235 m long section is operated as a show cave.

The entrance area has long been known to the local population, further investigation of the deeper part only took place in 1922. Provisionally, it was opened in 1928, permanently but only since 1954. Since 1968 it is protected as a national natural monument.

The cave was formed in the Mesozoic Gutensteinkalken the Middle Triassic through the influence of an underground arm of the river Biely Vah. Stalactites, stalagmites and sinter ponds adorn the underground rooms. Important are paleontological sites of the bones of the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus ). More rarely, one can observe bats.

The relative humidity in the cave is 94 to 96 % and the air temperature 6.5 to 7.1 ° C.
