Vector Map

Vector Map ( VMAP ) is a worldwide vector -based topographic- cartographic information system of NATO, which is published by the NGA, the military - geographic authority of the United States.

The card is available in different levels of accuracy:

  • VMAP Level 0 is based on the Operational Navigation Chart ( ONC ) at a scale of 1:1,000,000 and is freely available,
  • VMAP Level 1 is based on the scale of 1:250,000 and is reserved to a large extent for military purposes.

Reference systems and accuracy

  • Horizontal datum is WGS84, with an accuracy of between about 2000 and 4000 meters
  • Vertical datum is Mean Sea Level (MSL, height above sea level), accuracy between 150 ( contour lines ) and 30 meters ( highlights )

Spatial classification

The VMAP - 0 data are divided into four regions ( North America, South America and Africa, Europe and northern Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia). Each data packet is zipped around 200 MB in size. The VMAP -1 data are divided into 234 zones, of which 57 zones freely available.

Thematic outline

The VMAP is divided into different topics ( coverages ), which in turn contain sub-categories:

  • Political entities ( political units)
  • Place Names ( place names )
  • Boundaries ( boundaries )
  • Data Quality ( Data Quality )
  • Elevation ( altitude )
  • Hydrography ( Hydrographic )
  • Industry (Industry)
  • Physiography ( morphology of Earth's surface )
  • Population ( population)
  • Transportation (transportation)
  • Utilities ( utilities )
  • Vegetation ( vegetation)

Data format

The VMAP is stored in the Vector Product Format ( VPF ), a division into directories and binary files. The VPF is described in military standard MIL -STD- 2407.


The VMAP detailed description is documented in the specification MIL -PRF- 89039, supplemented by the second supplemental agreement dated June 27, 2001
