Venia legendi

As an instructor rating - also: teaching license or teaching license - is referred to:

  • The basis of the teacher training of high school teachers and other provided for the secondary education teachers (eg vocational teachers ) acquired ability to teach a subject, also known as Fakultas ( Facultas ) or Facultas Docendi ( in old spelling: Facultas docendi; Latin: facultas docendi " option / ability / proficiency to teach " ) is called. The large Fakultas, the right to education at all levels of the school, especially the advanced level, presupposes a corresponding major study, while may be taught with the acquired pursuant to a supplemental study small Fakultas only on the lower and middle level; also sporadically active in Baden- Württemberg, Lower Saxony and Saarland in secondary schools secondary school councils who have completed a secondary school teacher degree program at a teacher training college and a gymnasiale study seminar, and seconded to a school Secondary school teachers have only the small Fakultas;
  • That can be awarded by the university permission to teach as a university teacher self to guide scientific work, remove checks and to use the title Privatdozent. The instructor rating - Venia Legendi ( before the spelling reform: Venia Legendi; Latin: " to read permission " venia legendi, that is, to teach ) - is awarded for a specific tray. Prerequisite for the instructor rating is the teaching certificate, the Facultas Docendi conferred under the law by the habilitation. The distinction between teaching ability and teaching license is governed by country-specific legislation, such as in Bavaria by the Higher Education Personnel Act. As an alternative to habilitation there is the possibility of the junior professorship ( for young researchers with outstanding PhD), with which the government wants to replace the habilitation first since 2002.
  • The church's attorney, in addition to state Bestallung need religion teachers in schools and university teachers at theological faculties to exercise the teaching profession may. In the Protestant church this ecclesial vocation is teaching license or Vocatio ( s) ( Latin for "calling" ), in the Catholic canonical mission called ( Latin for " Church's mission ");
  • Permission to forming of pilots.