Venidium fastuosum

Superb bear ear ( Arctotis fastuosa )

The Magnificent bear ear ( Arctotis fastuosa, Syn Venidium fastuosum ) is a herbaceous plant that is native to southern Africa. It grows up to 60 cm high and has orange flowers. It is occasionally used as an ornamental plant.


The Magnificent bear ear is usually referred to as an annual plant, in Roth painter " Exkursionsflora of Germany " but as perennial that is grown as an annual only in culture. The height of the plant is usually 20 to 60 cm, the growth is, however, mainly depends on the available rainfall and can thus reach values ​​between 10 and occasionally 80 cm. The plants are covered with dense hair, see through these felted woolly hairs to the leaves silvery- white from. The leaves are lanceolate in outline to reverse- lanceolate, margins can only be shallow or cut to the midrib. The lower leaves are 4-9 cm long with 1.5 to 2.5 cm in width. Further up the stems, the leaves are smaller and entire. The peduncle is 18 to 22 cm long and carries three or more leaflets. The outer bracts are hairy and projecting on the outside. The inner bracts are the basket bottom firmly. There are 35 to 50 ray florets present that stand in two circles. The tongues are 0.4 to 0.7 cm wide, their color is orange or yellow, the petals of the inner circle are red-brown at the base. The disc florets are dark brown to black. The achenes are oval, 1.3 to 1.5 mm long and bare. A pappus is absent or crown-shaped. The chromosome number is 2n = 18


Mainly in Namaqualand (South Africa) spreads, we find this plant even as far north as Namibia and south along the Doorn River and the Biedouw Valley. The distribution area is characterized by a summer dry period, which survive on the plants and seeds. In California, the plant is naturalized.


The Magnificent bear ear is occasionally used as an ornamental plant. It was first introduced to Europe in 1797. There are some varieties, even with off-white ray florets. Most of the plants present in culture, however, are hybrids of Arctotis fastuosa and Arctotis venusta. These so-called Arctotis × hybridus plants are available in many varieties, the flower color has a wider range and also includes white, pink and red flowers.
