Verena Hoehne

Verena Hoehne ( born January 14, 1945 in Lausanne, † January 25, 2012 in Zurich ) was a Swiss cultural journalist and author.


After schools in Baden and Zurich Verena Hoehne studied in Marburg, Zurich, Munich and Vienna Theatre Studies and a doctorate on the subject of the Schauspielhaus in Zurich from 1945 to 1965.

As a cultural journalist Verena Hoehne worked since 1972 on Swiss television, where she was responsible for her own theater show spotlight and wrote a filmmaker numerous theater portraits, documentaries and news items. For the channel 3sat she led the conversation series encounters. In the 1980s and 1990s was Verena Hoehne Off- spokesperson for the news broadcast evening news, a commentator in the German language for the live broadcasts of the Prix de Lausanne ballet event and presenter of the Café Philo of culture format Sternstunde philosophy. For guests to their conversations and documentaries included, among others, Max Frisch, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Elias Canetti, Maria Becker, Ernst Schröder, Karl Paryla, Franz Hohler, Wolf Biermann and Emil Steinberger.

From 1990 to 2001 Verena Hoehne was Administrator at the Zurich Theater Neumarkt and member of the Swiss Society for Theatre Culture. In the Schauspielhaus Zurich, she hosted along with Urs Bircher the series Told theater history 1938-1992 and led by matinees with Giorgio Strehler, George Tabori, Benno Besson and Werner Düggelin.

Her passion for theater lived Verena Hoehne also as an author of several nonfiction books (Zurich Theatre Spectacle, Swiss theater yearbook ), a lecturer at the Zurich University of Music and Theatre, co-director with a Bernese small theaters and as a juror at the Secondo theater competition. It is also characterized for readings (including scenic narrative series on Erich Kästner ), newspaper reviews and radio programs responsible.

In her home town of Baden, she was known as a presenter of the series of talks PhiloThik, broad commitment to the cabaret scene and through appearances on Figura Festival. A life-long dream she realized through participation in the Teatro Palino, most recently as an actress in the developed Mathias Dix Pieces satisfaction? No thank you! ( with Simona Hofmann and Marc Palino Brunner ).

Verena Hoehne died on 25 January 2012 in Zurich after a year's illness.


  • With Peter Zeindler: Two theaters go. Théâtre Populaire Romand, and theater for the Canton of Zurich, 1981.
  • As an editor: My Playhouse. Erwin Parker, Pendo, 1983.
  • With Christian Jauslin: Playwrights promotion / Aide aux auteurs dramatiques. In 1986.
  • With Christian Altorfer: spectacle. Zurich Theatre Spectacle, International festival of independent theater groups. Werd Verlag Zurich, 1989.
  • With Urs Bircher and Martin Kreuzberg: Zurich, a theater scene. In 1991.
  • With Ruedi Josuran and Daniel Bright: Right in the middle and not there. Ullsteinhaus Paperback, 1999.
  • The laughter at the end of the aisle. Clock Tower, 2002.