Victoria Jackson

Victoria Jackson ( born August 2, 1959 in Miami, Florida ) is an American actress.


Jackson visited by the Florida Bible College Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina and Auburn University in Alabama. After theater performances in Alabama, she moved to Hollywood, where she worked as a stand-up comedian. With an appearance on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show, it was announced abruptly a larger audience. In 1986, she joined the cast of Saturday Night Live. In the 1980s, she was next to be seen in several feature films, including The Couch Trip and Baby Boom - A beautiful mess. In addition, she played the female lead role opposite of Weird Al Yankovic in UHF - transmitter with limited hope. After her departure from SNL she was only sporadically seen in acting roles, including guest appearances on The X-Files - The Files and Sabrina - totally bewitched!

Jackson is married to his second wife and has two children. She is a follower of the Tea Party movement.

Filmography (selection)
