
Viducassen, also Vidukassen (Latin Viducasses ) was the name of a Celtic tribe in Gaul, in northwestern France had its residences in what is now the department of Calvados. The main town was Aregenua (of Gallic atmosphere, "down" and genoa, " mouth " ), now known as Vieux. The name derives from the Vieux renaming in Roman times ago on Civitas Viducassensis. They are called as the client base of Esuvier.

After Birkhan the Gallic name ending in - casses is with " the curly, hairy " to interpret (for example: Bodiocasses, " the fair-haired "). In Maier this derivation is also called as possible (see there irish buidechas, "blond curly ").

In an inscription, called Marbre de Thorigny (marble [ stone ] of Thorigny, dated 238 AD) the Viducassen be mentioned in connection with the honored Titus there Sennius Solemnis; actually the stone was discovered in Vieux- la -Romaine and not in Thorigny.
