Vila Velha

Vila Velha on the map of Brazil

Vila Velha is a coastal city in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo. The population of around 400,000 people spread over an area of 209 km ².

To the north lies - on the other side of the Baia de Vitória and connected by a bridge - Vitória, in the west Cariacica and Viana, in the south Guarapari, and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean.


Vila Velha (German: " Old villa" ) is the oldest city in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo (English: "Holy Spirit "). It was on 23 May 1535 under the name of " Vila do Espírito Santo ": founded (Eng. "Villa of the Holy Spirit " ) from Portugiesem Vasco Fernandes Coutinho, who established his base there. This was to 1549 main base of the Portuguese navy, before being him to Vitória (English: "Victory " ) moved.

As most populous municipality, it houses a large, important for Brazil industrial port, and the largest commercial center of the state and has 32 ​​miles of coastline. This is divided into various beaches, which offer tourist attractions.

Since it is the oldest city here are many buildings of the 16th century, such as the Convento da Penha (English: "Rock Monastery ") and the Rosáriokirche; from the 17th century Forte de São Francisco Xavier ( Eng.: "Fortress of St. Francis Xavier " ) and from the 19th century, the Farol de Santa Luzia (German: Lighthouse of Saint Lucia of Syracuse ).


(: Green ankle dt ) at the beginning of the colonization of Espírito Santo the nickname " canela -verde " was born. According to legend, the local indigenous people there gave this nickname to the first settlers. When they got out of their boats, they stained her pants and ankle with green water algae, which seemed at the time very numerous on the coast. Another story tells that the nickname of the long and green stockings is that used to wear the Portuguese at the time.

Nationally, the name " Capixaba " is used nowadays. This word comes from the language of the former Aboriginal and referred to their corn fields that were located on the island of Vitória, before the Portuguese arrived. Also " Capixaba " generally used for everything related to the State of Espírito Santo


The municipality of Vila Velha is made up of 5 districts: Centro (English: City Centre ), Argolas (German: cufflinks ), Ibes (pt.: Instituto do Bem estar Social, Germany: Institute for social well-being ), São Torquato ( German Holy torquatus ) and Jucu (from the eponymous river " Jucu " for indigenous cinnamon tree ).

The most populous district is the town center where there are the most important parts of the city: Centro Empresarial (German Business Centre ), Centro Histórico da Prainha (engl. Old Town), Praia da Costa (German: Coast beach ) and Pólo Comercial da Glória (Eng.: TRADE ).

This allocation is valid from 1979, as Ibes and São Torquato were annexed to Vila Velha since January 1.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Sávio ( born 1974 ), Brazilian footballer
  • Maxwell ( born 1981 ), Brazilian footballer