Villa Giulia (Palermo)

Villa Giulia, also known as Villa Flora is a park in Palermo. It is located east of the botanic garden between this and the Foro Italico. From the Foro Italico from a portico with bronze lions leads to the park.

The Villa Giulia was built in 1778 outside the former city walls and was the first public park in Palermo. Its name, the park of Giulia, wife of the then Viceroy Guevara. Goethe visited next to the botanical garden also this park during his stay in Palermo.

1872 four exedrae were built in neoclassical style in the central square, which had been designed by Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda. In the middle of the square a fountain with a sundial in the shape of a dodecahedron. In the park there are more wells, including the Fontana del Genio by Ignazio Marabitti.
