Vineta (Swakopmund)


Vineta is a suburb of Swakopmund in Namibia. The district is located in the north of the city and extending over about 3 km along the Atlantic coast. In the east it borders on the C34 and the district Tamariskia.

Vineta is a residential neighborhood of all communities. He is considered a district within the medium to high income. Here can be found next to individual houses some apartment blocks, schools and recreational facilities.

Swakopmund Waterfront

The construction of the Swakopmund Waterfront on an area of the district Vineta is planned since 2002, but was finally taken up due to financial problems in 2007. 2004, the Waterfront has been elevated to the status of a separate district, belonged to the district before Vineta. Final construction of one 16,000 square meter area has been approved, which is to be built for 400 to 500 million Namibian dollars from South African companies Safari Developments.
