Vintsent Dunin-Martsinkyevich

Wincenty Dunin- Marcinkiewicz Jakub ( born February 4, 1808 in Paniuszkiewicze, † December 29, 1884 in Mała Lucynka ) was a Polish writer, playwright and political activist of Polish Romanticism with Belarusian origin. He is considered the founder of modern Belarusian literature.


Dunin- Marcinkiewicz belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian noble family Łabędź from the region around Bobruisk. 1824 to 1827 he studied after passing the middle school at the University of Saint Petersburg Medicine, the study but not completed.

From 1827 he lived and worked Dunin- Marcinkiewicz in Minsk as an official. In 1840 he bought a mansion house near Iwianiec, where he built his own theater and wrote most of his works, written alternately in Polish and Belarusian language. A year later, he founded the first Belarusian theater district and encouraged many schools in the region, equally set up theater circles. He wrote mainly narrative poems on country life and the ratio of the impoverished population to the large landowners. In 1846 he published with Sielanka (German idyll ) his most famous musical play, which was performed in 1852 by Stanisław Moniuszko to music.

In 1859, he translated the Polish national epic Pan Tadeusz of the poet Adam Mickiewicz into Belarusian. After the publication in Vilnius, Lithuania, but his work was confiscated by the Russian occupying power. His translation was the first that was made in another Slavic language.

Russian authorities made ​​him 1863 for the Polish January Uprising responsible, after which he was interned. After the defeat of the rebels, he was released, however, was from there but under constant surveillance by the police. His daughter Kamila, who had actively participated in the January Uprising, was admitted to the psychiatric ward of the authorities by court judgment.

Dunin- Marcinkiewicz is the ancestor of the Polish blogger Barbara Czarnowieska.
