Vladimir Lossky

Vladimir Lossky Nikolaïevitch (Russian: Владимир Николаевич Лосский, Vladimir Nikolayevich Losski; born June 8, 1903 in Göttingen, † February 7, 1958 in Paris ) was an Orthodox theologian.


His father Nikolai Onufrijewitsch Losski was a professor of philosophy at the University of St. Petersburg; the family remained at the time of his birth in Göttingen. Vladimir Losski spent his youth in St. Petersburg, where he attended high school. He attended the trial and execution of Metropolitan Benjamin of Saint Petersburg. These events inspired him greatly. He studied literature in 1920 at the University of Saint Petersburg. His family was expelled in 1922. He continued his studies in Prague in 1924 and moved to Paris. At the Sorbonne he studied medieval philosophy and was influenced by Etienne Gilson. He completed his studies with a degree in Paris. He saw himself in the role, to witness to the universality of Orthodox in the West. He deepened his studies of Eastern and Western tradition of Christianity. In 1945 he became the first Dean of the School of Saint Denys (Paris). He taught dogmatic theology and church history there until 1953. His book Mystical Theology of the Eastern Churches in particular, made ​​him known.


  • Essai sur la théologie mystique de l'Eglise d' Orient, Préface par Saulius Rumsas, op; éd. du Cerf, coll « Foi Vivante ", 1944 ( re-edition 2005)
  • Mystical Theology of the Eastern Churches, 1961
  • Vision de Dieu, éd. . Delachaux & Niestlé, 1962 German translation: vision of God, Zurich: ECC- Verlag, 1964
  • À l'image et à la ressemblance de Dieu, Paris, éd. Aubier - Montaigne, coll « Le Buisson Ardent ," 1967
  • Théologie et négative connaissance de Dieu chez Maître Eckhart, ed Vrin, 1960; 1973; 1998
  • La Russie en paternité spiritual aux XVIIIième et XIXième (avec Nicolas Arseniev ), Éditions de l' Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1977, coll « Spiritualité Orientale », n °. 21
  • Sept jours sur les routes de France: juin 1940, Éditions du Cerf, 2001
  • Orthodox theology, an introduction; St. Vladimir 's Seminary Pres, Crestwood, NY, 1978
  • Le sens of icônes, éd. du Cerf, 2003
  • Théologie dogmatique, sous la direction d' Olivier Clément et Michel Stavrou, collection Patrimoines orthodoxy, Cerf, 2012