
49.03888888888919.278333333333Koordinaten: 49 ° 2 ' N, 19 ° 17' O

Vlkolínec is a village of 35 inhabitants and district of Ružomberok in Slovakia. Because of its exceptional, unspoilt village with 40 original, inhabited wooden houses it has been included in the list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage of Humanity in 1993.


The place takes its name from vlk ( "wolf" ), was first mentioned in records in 1376 and is located at about 700-800 meters above sea level in the Great Fatra in northern Slovakia, below the mountain Sidorovo ( 1099 m nm).

In 1630, the construction of Wolfsgruben was prescribed. With the construction of the bell house they started in 1770. In 1775, the wooden church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary was built. Due to the retaliation of the German army, it came in 1944 to a partial destruction of the constructed building. 1977, the site was declared a National Monument. Since 2007, a local partnership with Holašovice in the Czech Republic

The place obtained in unadulterated manner is one of the few in Europe to live freely in the environment bears, wolves and other animals. The village is unique in Central Europe, the houses are made ​​of wood and painted with patterns and images. There are no roads were built, the houses were without power and water supply. Many of the residents are over 80 years old.
