
Voice-over (English ) is a technical term of the studio technology of radio and in film. It refers to the recording of a voice (English voice), which is placed over ( engl. over) a different sound recording or a film scene.

The Composite " voice-over " is used in English as " Voice Over " with inverted word elements, and it is a Pseudoentlehnung or Scheinanglizismus.


In the radio, the voice-over occurs in the translation of foreign-language original sounds and interviews. To prove the authenticity of the original, one should allow the foreign-language original recording sound though, but does the translation from a studio spokesman spoken about it. In the ideal case the listener the impression to understand the foreign language original, without knowing the language; he "forgets" the voice actors. To achieve this, the producer must offer the original space. In short contributions in the daily broadcasts - unlike with long, elaborately produced shows such as radio features - for this effort is usually no time; also one with a subtly used Voice-over -produced radio show becomes longer. So in the radio everyday we hear mostly voice-overs, the acoustically almost completely obscure the original and flashed a fraction of a second, only at the beginning and at the end. In the digital production technology there for a special developed for this purpose function: the ducking.

Voice - overs are treated differently on the radio internationally. So Scandinavian stations often dispense with the original English sounds quite a translation, so a voice-over, and let the content only previously or subsequently summarized by a speaker. It relies advance widespread knowledge of the English language in the population. In the German broadcasting any foreign-language original is translated by means of a voice-over- voice practice. In the British Broadcasting Voice - overs are often specifically directed: To about an Arabic interview to translate, use is made of a good English-speaking Arab who brings the relevant accent in the voice-over. In English, this approach is not desirable. You put instead, particularly in high-quality productions, large value of the original and makes it sound the voice over voice particularly neutral.


In the film, the voice-over in the 1940s became popular. Here, voice-over commentary, monologue or dialogue of one or more characters or a narrator who is not spoken in the scene, so to speak, but is placed over the scene. - The word often mistakenly used equivalent " voice-over " (derived from "off camera" - " off- camera ", that is not shown by the camera ), however, refers to the monologue or dialogue of one or more figures, as in a scene speaker act, but in the current setting only audible, but not visible in the picture / are.

A voice-over can illustrate a happening on the screen, or ironic contrast with this. This stylistic device is used, for example, to reflect the thoughts of an absent person in the scene, or the unspoken thoughts of a person present ( Inner monologue ). Also can be used a voice-over of the reflection of the speaker, for instance where a young person in the picture is visible and the same voice, but now aged figure, the events in retrospect commented (Example Stardust Memories ).

In literary adaptations, which often have to cut storylines strongly in the implementation of a novel feature-length, provides a voice-over, for example, historical background or the history to a scene or a character description or a short biography of a newly introduced character. The genre of film noir, which is often addressed the hopelessness of a situation or protagonists used, a voice-over in order to foreshadow the beginning of the film the fatal outcome of the story.

A voice-over can also, although not originally provided in the script, after completion of the film are used, because as the director or the production studio is of the opinion, therefore being able to explain ambiguities in the course of action (for example, the first rental version of Blade Runner ).

In the documentary, a voice-over is a common stylistic device in the form of a comment. Some feature films use voice-over in order to give these a pseudo- documentary effect, as the films of Peter Watkins ( The War Game, Punishment Park ) or It Happened Here by Kevin Brownlow and Andrew Mollo.

Voice-over is used in the synchronization. Instead of the spoken sound completely replace, the recorded voice translations over the original are placed, the latter remains quietly audible in the background.
