Voiceless palatal stop

The voiceless palatal plosive ( a voiceless, the hard palate educated plosive ) has in different languages ​​following phonetic and orthographic realizations:

  • Hungarian [ c]: Ty, ty Examples: tyúk [ cu ː k] "chicken", Mátyás [ ma ː ca ː ʃ ] " Matthias", Baty [ba ː c] "big brother"
  • Examples: labuť "Swan", Bata Czech originating shoe manufacturer to see Bata (Group)
  • Examples: qen [ cɛn ] "dog"
  • Examples: KEDE [ cɛ̄ dɛ ː ] "chain"
  • Examples: kiosk [ cɔsk ] ' Kiosk', Polish [ pɔlsci ] ' polish ', Mazurek Dąbrowskiego [ mazurɛk dɔmbrɔfscɛɡɔ ] ' Dąbrowski mazurka ( Polish National Anthem ) '
  • Example: کمک [ komæc ] 'Help'