Volkseigenes Gut

Publicly owned Good ( abbreviated: VEG) corresponded in the German Democratic Republic ( GDR), the Soviet state farm. It was here, in contrast to the agricultural cooperative ( LPG) to farms owned by the state, which were often created from former private agricultural estates or domains as a result of the land reform adopted in Potsdam Agreement of 1945 expropriation without compensation by the owner or by canceling long- term leases. Designations for such establishments were first from 1945 state farm or Provinzialgut ( in the former province of Saxony ), then Landesgut and only from August 1949 Volksgut or state owned property.

Each VEG was directly involved in the government's economic planning. They were either centrally (eg German Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Berlin, VVB seeds and seedlings, VVB animal breeding ) or regional ( area combination of state -owned enterprises / GVVG; University of freight management, freight management of the country until 1952, the districts in 1952, a circle or. a place ) assumed.

A state owned estate was nationalized and rural counterpart to the state-owned enterprise (VEB). Guided they were a director on the principle of single line by a manager, from 1956. Compared to the LPG employed there farm workers did not hold any shares in the operation. The remuneration of workers and employees was governed by the framework collective agreement ( RKV) for state farms and his systems.

On the VEG initially mainly animal and plant breeding and seed multiplication was operated to provide for the entire agricultural sector.

In 1960, around 690 VEG managed approximately 6.3 percent of the agricultural area of the GDR. During the general concentration and specialization in the agricultural nature of their number declined, however, to 1980 to 385 pieces.

In the area of ​​state farms set up a politically motivated separation of cattle farming and agriculture as in the LPG from the late 1960s. It originated VEG plant production ( P) and animal production (T). However, these were merged into larger units simultaneously so that their total number of 511 in 1970, decreased to 465 in 1985, while the farmed by the VEG agricultural area of about 440,000 hectares remained almost constant.

The VEG was compared to the LPG often better care, because they acted as so-called points of the preferred working class in the country. They should, in particular in the 1950s and 1960s, the superiority of the " socialist mode of production " to the test and later take a progressive function that they could not always be fair, however.

After the reunification in 1990, the assets of the VEG 's administration was transferred by the THA.

In Poland corresponded to the state farms ( Państwowe Gospodarstwo Rolne, PGR) the VEG.
