Voucher privatization

The voucher privatization is excited by the idea of ​​people's capitalism form of privatization, in which the conversion of state property is in private ownership by issued coupons.

As a rule, every citizen of a country receives coupons in this form free and equal parts to each eligible person. These can be invested by state-owned companies at will in stocks and bonds. In former communist countries, this was a form of restitution, was returned in this way in former vergemeinschaftlichtes capital to the citizen.

The concept of voucher privatization in 1990 by Burkhard Wehner in The Long Farewell from socialism. Outline of a new economic and social order under the name reference sham privatization presented.

The voucher privatization was carried out among others in the successor states of the Soviet Union, Poland and the former Czechoslovakia at the end of communism, where in June 1992 after long controversy a significant proportion of state-owned enterprises have been privatized.

In Croatia, a voucher privatization took place after independence. It should be, however, been numerous irregularities, which led to great discontent among the population.
