Wajid (Somalia)

3.807777777777843.248888888889Koordinaten: 3 ° 48 'N, 43 ° 15' O

Wajid ( alternative spelling Waajid, Uegit ) is a place in the Bakool region in Südwestsomalia and capital of the district Wajid.

The population of the district was estimated at 37,000 in 2004. The climate of the area is arid to semi- arid. Most important livelihoods are ( nomadic ) livestock and the cultivation mainly of sorghum.

In July 2006, Ethiopian troops invaded in the context of the civil war in Somalia in Wajid one. Beginning of August 2008, there was fighting between al -Shabaab and local armed groups. It took over al -Shabaab control. In a village in Wajid had al -Shabaab in 2009 a woman stoned for adultery, her lover was whipped.

In Wajid is the largest base of the World Food Programme in Somalia.
