
Wallflip is a technical term of the parkour sport. He describes a trick that consists mainly of one or more steps to a wall and a subsequent backflip.

This trick is often performed in sport Freerunning that combines elements of gymnastics and parkour. At a medium speed wallflip is running in a wall (or other surface which is vertical or almost vertical) and places his feet on the surface. Then you push with enough force upwards and at the same time away from the wall to complete the three - quarter - rotation, and lands on his feet.


This is identical to the " One-Step wallflip ". In the implementation to do a further step in the wall, a total of two steps. This trick can be done with both feet first; Beginners should use the first step of their non-dominant foot to the second step to have more strength for pressing and finishing of the revolution

The "Three -Step wallflip " is also a wallflip, but is performed in three steps. It does not matter what combination of steps to use. Beginners should pull the trigger but with their dominant foot first, thus the last step is performed with the dominant leg, which facilitates the completion of the flips.

The wallflip with four steps is unusual and is typically performed within a sports hall.

This trick begins as the usual wallflip by the performer runs towards a wall and placed his foot on the surface. After the foot of the wall to rotate the upper body of the performer to a half turn, while at the same time pulls the trigger to execute the flip. This lands the Artist with his back to the wall.

The Wall-to - Wall Flip involves more than a wall with. The athlete runs to a surface to be placed there and one foot, jumping or running then on the second surface (usually at a 90 degree corner) and then met up with the other foot, from in order to complete the revolution. This trick can be performed with any combination of steps or directions.

The trick begins with the placement of the foot on a wall, then the performer pushes away from the wall to a backflip and a 360 ° - perform during the revolution backflips. After finishing both rotations of the athletes do not end up with the back but with a view to the wall.


The wallflip 's a simple trick, since it only consists of a three - quarter - turn instead of a full revolution. The fourth falls away because the trick begins on a vertical plane. To run the wallflip correctly, one must simultaneously upward and away from the wall push off. By the footprints of the wall of the leader can not come into contact with the surface. The upward force brings height and strengthens the rotation in order to guarantee a proper landing.

To overcome the fear of not completing the revolution entirely, one or two spotters can be used. These should be the side of the performers are to, if necessary, nachzuhelfen during rotation.
