Warren Tufts

Warren Tufts ( born December 12, 1925 in Fresno, California, † July 6, 1982 ( according to other data on 7 June 1982) in Placerville, California ) was an American cartoonist, comic book artist and author.

Life and work

Tufts was already working as a twelve year old for a local radio station before he turned to comic creation. During the Second World War, he drew comics for newspapers from 1943 the Navy. After the war he worked until 1948 on radio productions. In 1949, Tufts started the Western comic Casey Ruggles, he, at times assisted by Alex Toth, until 1954 drew and was distributed by United Feature Syndicate. Casey Ruggles followed The Lone Spaceman, which appeared in the years 1954 and 1955 for a total of six months. From 1955 drew Tufts Lance who, while held up in the year 1960, but was cut in between. From the 1960s he was increasingly freelance, working for radio and television. Tufts died in an accident with a constructed his own airplane.

Andreas C. Knigge counts Tufts next to Hal Foster, Alex Raymond, Milton Caniff, and Burne Hogarth " to the great masters of American Adventure Comics ".

In several German Zorro adventure, and a Lance - complete edition of Tufts are published.
