
The what - scepter is an ancient Egyptian symbol in the shape of a rod. It shows the upper end of a stylized animal head is forked at the bottom and has either a straight or curved shaft.

In presentations, it occurs primarily as a power or luck characters of various gods and the king. In general, it will be handed over by the gods to the king, to the Ptolemaic- Roman temple scenes, a reverse offering is shown. Furthermore, it seems as frequent symbol behind the royal name.

The what - scepter is the Gauzeichen of the 4th and 19th Upper Egyptian nome. It is used to refer to the deities Waset, Wasetiu, Igai and Iat and has a cult icon own deification and personification.

The symbol occurs for the first time on monuments from the early history of Egyptian gods than scepter or sky support. For the origin and original meaning, there are different theories. Firstly, it should be derived from a stick for driving donkeys, on the other hand represent the stylization of a giraffe or a snake necklace or Panthers have been a device for catching snakes. It could also be a shepherd's crook, as in some Ramesside tombs shepherds are shown with What -shaped sticks.

As a real object the scepter in the form of Tempelweihgaben, grave goods and amulets is obtained.
