Washington's Birthday

Washington 's Birthday (Eng. " Washington's Birthday" ) or even Presidents' Day (Eng. "Day of Presidents " ) is an American Memorial Day, which is celebrated on the third Monday in February.


Originally, February 22, the birthday of George Washington, hero of the War of Independence and the first President of the United States, celebrated as a national holiday. Moreover, in most U.S. states also February 12th was a holiday, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the president during the Civil War.

Mid -1970s, Congress decided to set up a holiday honoring all U.S. presidents. In most U.S. states, as well as in federal law, this holiday will continue called " Washington 's Birthday ". Many schools in the U.S. thematize this day life and work of the American president. In addition, the holiday in trade for discount offers, similar to the winter sale, popular.
