Web Map Tile Service

The default Web Map Tile Service ( WMTS ) is a geo-service, specified by the Open Geospatial Consortium ( OGC) and defines a web service in order to offer tile- based digital map and retrieve. The standard was adopted on 6 April 2010 by the OGC in version 1.0.0. It was developed as a separate standard, but has many conceptual similarities with existing OGC standards such as WMS standard.


The aim of the WMTS standard is to provide maps for applications performance results. For this, the map is on the server side pre-generated and called in a few smaller cards, even tiles (English tiles ), divided and stored ( Tile Cache). These tiles can then be accessed separately from the application.

The WMTS standard serves as the interface to be more standardized access to tiled maps. In addition to the WMTS standard, there are other solutions to be able to access tile-based maps. These include, for example, the Web Map Service caching (WMS - C) and the Tile Map Service, a standard of OSGeo.

Technical Description

The main task of a WMTS service is available maps in the form of providing and delivering tiles. Requests to the WMTS servers can be issued through HTTP POST and HTTP GET. In this case, the parameter and its values ​​as key-value pairs ( KVP ) will be transmitted. Alternatively, the standard provides for requests via SOAP. The WMTS service provides different methods:


The WMTS standard is supported by several server systems, this includes, among other things, the open source projects MapProxy, GeoWebCache and mod - geocache. On the application side of the WMTS standard can currently be integrated into the Web application OpenLayers and desktop GIS system Gaja.


  • OpenGIS Web Map Tile Service Implementation Standard OGC (English)
  • WMTS scheme on opengis.net ( OGC)