
Webcomics are comics that are published primarily or exclusively via the Internet. Must be distinguished from comics that are produced for the pressure and by the way on the Internet. The transitions can be smooth.

It is unclear when exactly created the first webcomics. As the longest -appearing Webcomic applies Argon Zark by Charley Parker, who has been published since 1995.

The majority of webcomics is free of charge. Many authors create webcomics as a hobby and take little or no money so a. Only the most successful artist can make a living entirely financed by donations, advertising, subsequent print editions and merchandising. Alternatively, offer companies such as Graphic Smash webcomics at an additional charge. There are also specialized service providers such as Keenspot and Smack Jeeves that offer free online storage space for comic book creators.


Since 2005, an award in the Best Digital Comic category is awarded at the annual Eisner Awards, since 2006 also recognizes the Harvey Award, the webcomics with the category Best Online Comic Works. From 2001 to 2008 there was with the Web Cartoonists ' Choice Awards is an annual event which focused solely on webcomics. 2009 came to The Webcomic List Awards at the unofficial successor. In Germany, a prize was in 2010 with the Web Sondermann prize for the first time announced the purely referring to German -language webcomics.


With sprites or backgrounds webcomics created from computer games and sprite comics are called. The graphics for this purpose are usually (semi-) automatically from ROM or manually from screenshots that have been made by the running game, extracted, arranged to new scenes and provided with speech bubbles and effects.

In 2008, the genre of Rage was created comics.
