
With WebHooks (composed of " Web" and " Hook" ) is called a non-standard method of communicating servers, which takes place in the context of distributed computing or message -oriented middleware. WebHooks enable it to notify a server software that a particular event has occurred and initiate a response to the event. WebHooks find a simple callback method use for data synchronization, external calculation and data validation. Technically an HTTP POST message is to be sent to a URL that is ready for that returns the requested data. In contrast to SOAP no additional transport layer is used, in contrast to RESTful Messaging and the Atom syndication format WebHooks are not set to the XML format. WebHooks be seen primarily as easy to implement solution to avoid excessive polling.

Application Examples

  • Event Notification (Notification): Notification that a particular event has occurred
  • Pipes: forwarding data. For example, a user receives an e -mail notification when a photo is uploaded on a particular topic.
  • Plugins: interface for communication with a web plug-ins or apps.


WebHooks be used inter alia by

  • Cloudvox
  • Facebook
  • Google Code
  • PayPal
  • WordPress


Currently, no standard exists for implementation. We discuss possibilities of a specification based on REST patterns.
