Weeping Beech

Hanging beech in autumn

The slopes of beech (Fagus sylvatica pendula f ), also called mourning beech, beside the copper beech is the most popular form of European beech (Fagus sylvatica). It can be found in many parks and because of the grief form on many cemeteries. It is the development of a breeding Pendulaform naturally occurring.

The growth habit of hanging beech is most comparable to the form of a water fountain. The tribe seeks only determined up and then forms branches from which arched change the growth direction, first spread horizontally to allow their branches then almost vertically hanging to the ground.

At a young age a little lean foresight, show the slopes book at the age an extremely picturesque growth. It sometimes grow single long lateral branches horizontally schängelnd, of the tribe and disturb the slim shape of the tree. Just as often, single arching branches grow out of the crown, which are completely bald at its top.

The slopes of beech is the largest Central European grief form of a tree. However, their height hardly exceeds 20 meters. There already exist several variations in growth and foliage.

Hanging Book with lower trunk splitting, adhesions and schlangenförmigem Astwuchs that form a broad crown, approaching so in habit very strongly to the Süntelbuchen, which leads to confusion.
