
  • Group 7: Pointers
  • Section 1: Continental Pointing Dogs
  • With working trial


Males: 59-70 cm Bitches: 57-65 cm

Dogs: 30-40 kg Bitches: 25-35 kg

  • Short-haired
  • Long-haired


The Weimaraner is a recognized by the FCI German breed (FCI Group 7, Section 1.1, Standard No. 99).

Origin and History

On the origin of the Weimaraner Vizsla, there are numerous theories. The only certainty is that the Weimaraner was held in Weimar by Grand Duke Karl August of Saxe- Weimar -Eisenach (1757-1828) early 19th century at the court. From about 1890, the race is scheduled bred (initially almost exclusively in Thuringia) detected and cultured in the accounts. 1897, the club was founded on pure breeding of the silver-gray Weimaraner Vizsla, which saw the emergence of today's German breed club.


The Weimaraner is a striking, up to 70 cm high and 40 kg of heavy dog ​​, which is still mainly for hunting, more rarely performed as a pure companion dog. Characteristic is the silver, fawn or mouse-gray coat and light to dark amber eyes that are sky blue in puppies. The ears are wide and fairly long, about the corners of his mouth reaching, set high and narrow, rounded tip pointed. It is grown in two strokes with different coat structure:

  • Short Hair: Medium Short, strong, very dense, smooth lying topcoat. With little or no undercoat.
  • Long-haired: Soft, long guard hairs with or without undercoat. Smooth or slightly wavy. Good feathering and breeching.

The feature of the longhaired recessive gene, so there are short-haired Weimaraner, inherit the longhaired. Langhaarweimaraner long time were undesirable in the breed and were killed as a puppy. In 1936 " Illo from Hipkendahl No 1468 " was recorded in the stud book. 1935 already was, for example, with "Tell Stranzendorf " ( owner of the future president Austrian Weimaraner Club R. Pattay ) or "Cosy " ( the coastal fisherman and hunter Johann Linnenberg from Neuharlingersiel, so in very different regions) found the special hunting suitability.

The Weimaraner is also recognized by other breed associations, including the American Kennel Club and The British Kennel Club. Their standards differ from the FCI. Thus for example the KC eye color as amber or blue - gray color, the AKC they amber as light gray or blue-gray.


The Weimaraner is a versatile, affectionate hound with persistent, not too spirited search. People appreciate his excellent nose and his wild and varminty. The dog is especially suitable for the work after the shot ( bloodhound, Lost Bring etc.). There are Weimaraner, which are used as therapy dogs.


Because Germany is the country of origin of the Weimaraner, the Breeders' Association developed the Association of the German Kennel Club (VDH ) and the breed standard, which is published by the FCI. Therefore, sports and breed clubs that belong to the FCI recognized exclusively issued by him pedigrees for cast in Germany puppies.

In the breeding season of 2008 a total of 567 puppies have been registered in the VDH. Dogs that are to be approved for breeding, must - in addition to the aforementioned papers - meet numerous requirements: For this purpose, in addition to the purely exterior including evidence of appropriate hunting tests, a character test and a test for hip dysplasia. In addition, check that no matings of close relatives to be made so that the risk of inbreeding depression is reduced as possible.

The cultured in the German Weimaraner Club dogs are released by most breeders only to hunters. Since it is a hunting dog in the Weimaraner, the breeding selection is made in this club not only for beauty but also for performance, nature and health. In countries where the suitability is as a hunting dog no breeding condition, is on the exterior, so a close to the breed standard as possible upcoming appearance, bred out.

There are some years increasing tendencies to grow the Weimaraner Weimaraner outside the clubs. This is due to the still rigid dispensing practice organized in this club breeders, while the development of Weimaraners for fashion dog can not rise in interested in hunting buyers demand for puppies. The resulting "parallel breeding " not under the control of an umbrella organization.
