
Wet-on- wet technique is a painting technique in which is painted into the not yet dried paint.

Oil paint

For this technique, colors are more suitable, as the drying oil paints slowly. With oil colors occur, due to their strict consistency, gradients hardly noticeable. The colorants are usually placed next to each other.


Watercolors are often called " wet -on-wet " applied in order to achieve the characteristic of this style of painting effects. Examples of this are particularly large number of paintings by Emil Nolde. The typical running into each other is unavoidable in water-soluble colors and is deliberately used as a design tool.

This technique with its characteristic effect of wet-on- wet technique is frequently used in art therapy. For this purpose, it is customary to coat the drawing paper with water or to water to make it then secured with adhesive tape on a painting board. In the wet - wet painting surface is painted with a thin flowing water color.

  • Technique of painting