Wet season

The rainy season is a period during the year with above average rainfall. It is caused between the tropics by Zenitalregen.

During the year, the rain belt moves the sun Zenitalstand the following between the two tropics, within which it thus comes close to the equator to two rainy seasons per year. With increasing distance to the equator, these rainy seasons approach and go initially in a bimodal rainy season until they finally result in a eingipfelige rainy season close to the tropics.

North and south of the tropics, it normally only comes to an annual rainy season, which weakens the farther one moves away from the equator. In the temperate zone beyond the 42nd parallel it rains relatively evenly distributed throughout the year in all months of the year, other factors such as wind conditions, height or vegetation influence the rain advent stronger than the seasonal sunlight. Where forested mountains favor the precipitation, it will rain more in height than in valleys or at the foot of mountains.
