What's Love Got to Do with It (song)

What 's Love Got to Do with It is a song by Tina Turner from 1984, which appeared on her album Private Dancer. The single release took three weeks number one on the U.S. charts.


The piece was written by Terry Britten and Graham Lyle and was originally intended for Phyllis Hyman. However, the authors were inspired by Tina Turner divorce to encourage people to leave these sing the title. The B- side of the single is Do not Rush the Good Things. The director turned to the New York City music video by Mark Robinson.

What 's Love Got to Do with It ranks 309 of the 500 best songs of all times of the Rolling Stone magazine.

1992 was the piece as a soundtrack to the movie Tina - What's Love Got to Do with It?.

Cover versions

In 1996, a hip-hop version of Warren G and Adina Howard with modified text, which was also successful.
