Whetstone (benchmark)

Whetstone ( English for " Whetstone " ) is the name of a benchmark ( computer ) program to measure the speed and efficiency of computers comparable.

As a result, the program returns a number indicating the " whetstone instructions per seconds", ie the " Whetstone instructions per second ". This unit is also called short WIPS. However, in the meantime, is GigaWIPS (short GWIPS ) expected (see also Resolutions for units).


The Whetstone benchmark was developed in 1976 at the National Physical Laboratory to determine the performance of a computer developed there. Originally the program in Algol 60 was written, but was created in 1987, the first C version, also exist in versions of Fortran.

More details

The Whetstone benchmark used for his measurements floating point operations, but also integer arithmetic and access to field elements.
