White-browed Treecreeper

Young White -browed Treecreeper

The White -browed Treecreeper ( Climacteris affinis ) is an Australian songbirds ( Passeri ) from the family of Treecreeper ( Climacteridae ).


The 15 cm long bird has a gray-brown top over a white eye stripe and yellowish wing-bars and a black and white striped belly.

Habitat and Distribution

He lives in the interior of Australia in acacia and Spinifexbüschen, particularly in the vicinity of cypress trees.

Lifestyle and diet

Most of the time he is looking at the ground by ants. But he also picked insects from tree trunks and branches. The tail is not used as a prop, and the bird sitting on branches rather than that he climbs on tree trunks.


The nest is created in a tree hollow which is usually near the ground and lined with animal hair and grass. In the breeding season, from August to December, the female lays 1-3 eggs.
