White certificates

White Certificates (English ( Tradable ) White Certificates) are evidence for activated energy efficiency measures.

White Certificates are systems in which market actors, mainly energy suppliers and network operators are obliged in a set period of time to achieve a specific reduction target and implement energy efficiency measures at consumers. The certificates demonstrate the energy saving measures regarding the amount and the time period. For bookings made by energy savings the actor gets appropriate allowances it can either use or sell to other market actors committed to the achievement of his own obligation. Has an obligated energy suppliers or distributors little or no certificates accumulated, he faces a penalty.

Trade with white certificates is one of the main instruments for improving energy efficiency. They are available since 2005 in the UK and Italy, since 2006 in France and the Belgian region of Flanders, and since 2009 in the Australian states of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

In Germany, the debate on the introduction of a White Certificates system is not so far out in the deep.
