
51.4511111111117.4905555555556200Koordinaten: 51 ° 27 '4 " N, 7 ° 29' 26" E

Location: Dortmund- Wichlinghofen in Dortmund

Dortmund- Wichlinghofen is south of the center -city suburb of Dortmund and belongs to the municipality Dortmund- Horde. It is located between Dortmund- Wellinghofen and Dortmund- Syburg. On 1 May 1922 he was incorporated into Wellinghofen.

Wichlinghofen this district has an area of ​​170.4 ha 31 December 2010, 2469 people lived. On an acre get 15 inhabitants. Dortmund- Wichlinghofen was founded before 1424.


31 December 2010, 2469 residents lived in Wichlinghofen.

Structure of Wichlinghofen Population:

  • Population density: 67 people per hectare settlement area.
  • Minors rate: 17.8%, slightly below the average of 20.1 % Dortmund.
  • Old rate: 36.6 %, well above the average of 31.3 % Dortmund.
  • Proportion of foreign nationals: 2.6%, well below the average of 12.8 % Dortmund.
  • Unemployment Rate: 3.8%, well below the average of 13.4 % Dortmund.

The average income in Wichlinghofen is about 60 % higher than the average Dortmund.
