
On the wish list you can see if you can help with your knowledge, or express himself translation needs.

Content Notes

Especially when translating, we ask you to accurately assess your abilities. Professional translators have several years of training and know how they are going to a number of translation traps out of the way. Some traps the layman does not open up often. So if you are trained translators or has other good foreign language skills, your knowledge is in demand!

For lay people there are in the network still kind of advice and support. If you want, for example, translate an English article, but try it once with the following online dictionaries:

Other dictionaries you'll find in this article with reference books and dictionaries on the Internet. A list of common translation error in the article List of false friends.

If (for example, English ) text had been translated into German by a lay person, you can see the text of this origin often still on. Even though the meaning may be understandable, the set position, the choice of words is bumpy, inappropriate, and phrases ( "once more ") are perhaps not translated ( " again " ) was. Unfortunately, there are also plenty of examples of professional translations, for which this is also the case. A good German translation is distinguished in that their origin is no longer visible. It must sound as if the text was originally written in German directly.

In the translation of quotations should be translated from the original language if possible. An English translation of a French example, the quotation can lead to significant distortions.

Caution: Automatic translation programs are not sufficient because of the many translation traps that have not yet mastered all of these online services and programs sufficiently, an encyclopedic claim. See Machine Translation.

Also, we should see through the last changes of the article, to accept not vandalism or possibly contentious changes (POV, etc.) with.

See also: Internationalization

Licensing issues: Copyright and original

Ways to make the license for translations

Copy the version history

If more space is needed documentation than will fit in the box, one can write the appropriate information in HTML comments or on the talk page. A guarantee that this or any other procedures meet the provisions of the Creative Commons license in a literal sense, but it can not be assumed.

Insufficient variants

Cultural aspects

Undoubtedly rewarding is a comparison of existing texts across language boundaries to find fault, to open up new aspects and to understand how different cultures look at something. Also, translations of widely spoken languages ​​are desirable because there may appear very different ideas than in German or English-speaking common.

Technical Notes

When translating, it is advisable to keep both texts simultaneously at all times. For new articles or new sections can be relatively easy to copy the original text into the new edit window, and translate there ( pays attention not to delete passages only when you really no longer need ).

Is already present text should, of course, be as usual, make sure that the new text the old text flow does not interfere, or you should adapt the old text accordingly.

More comfort is provided by the parallel view of the two texts. The browser Opera and Konqueror allow the subdivision of a viewing window into sub- windows Multiple Document Interface ( or panels). Also the " Page Holder" function of the browser Shiira for Mac OS X enables parallel viewing or editing of two sites. For Mozilla Firefox, there are add-on Fox Splitter (formerly Split Browser ), which allows a split view.

When using Konqueror, it is advisable for a vertical split in two windows minimal skins (eg 40 for the original, 60 for the translation) to be used ( eg Nostalgia ), a lower lines Prepare and use a small font.

Something more complicated it goes with "tabs", so tabs riders. The support for this from far more browsers, including from Firefox. In Mozilla you can go on and Ctrl Ctrl PgDn or Ctrl Tab and Ctrl Shift Tab between the individual riders switch back and forth.

A simple, conventional way is, however, simply to open up the original text in a second browser window. Can then be adjusted, if necessary, the size and position of both the browser window that both windows are displayed side by side; even that each used not active window then remains always visible. In addition, can be easily changed by clicking or pressing Alt Tab and Alt Shift Tab between windows.

Finally, there is of course the possibility to write the text in advance with a text editor, most good editors offer several options of the windows partition. Such a procedure is particularly recommended for longer texts, because most browsers do not allow caching of a text in the browser 's internal editor and otherwise the built-in editors are significantly worse in comparison to most text editors.

