Wiktor Ormicki

Victor Rudolf Ormicki ( born January 1, 1898 in Kraków, Austria - Hungary, † September 17, 1941 in the Gusen concentration camp ) was a Polish economic geography.


Victor Rudolf Ormicki was as Victor Rudolf Nu ( s ) and sbaum born son of an official in Austria until 1918 belonging to Galicia. 1924, the name of the Jewish family was Polonized when he married the daughter of a judge Krakow. A younger brother was the musician Włodzimierz Ernst Ormicki.

Ormicki studied from 1918 to 1920 Law at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and then to the Faculty of Arts, presented in 1923 a teaching exam in and then became an assistant. After receiving his doctorate in 1926, he was Assistant Professor in 1929 and in 1930 was habilitated in economic geography. In 1936 he was appointed adjunct of economic geography and taught except at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and at the Business Academy and the College of Education Katowice. He has published a variety of social and economic geography and regional studies also worked in broadcasting. In 1939 he was appointed titular professor.

To destroy the Polish intelligentsia, 183 university teachers from the universities of Cracow were after the German conquest of Poland on November 6, 1939 at the " Special Action Krakow" lured by the Gestapo into a trap and imprisoned in Montelupich. Among them was Ormicki. The professors were deported to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, part was released due to international pressure. Ormicki however, came on March 4, 1940 in the Dachau concentration camp.

After it was found there that he was of Jewish ancestry, he was in the concentration camp of Mauthausen, Gusen subcamp, handed over in June 1940, where he was registered as prisoner number 7738 and assigned in August 1940 a penal company. He could still afford a long time educational work among the prisoners and create notebooks to questions of overpopulation of the globe. His family in Krakow tried in vain to get him released from the concentration camp. In the conducted by Karl Chmielewski branch Gusen I Concentration Camp Mauthausen he was the victim of one of the Ermordungsaktionen that made running the camp leadership of the Jewish Kapos inmates, and was hanged.


  • O polski program ludnościowy. Odbitka z tygodnika " Narod i Państwo ", 1939
  • Skup zawodowy i trade obnośny w woj: Wileńskim, Nowogródzkim, Poleskim i Wołyńskim, 1938
  • Problemat ludnościowy w Polsce, 1937
  • Granice Współczesnej pojemności ludnościowej w województwie krakowskim, 1937
  • Warunki i możliwości emigracji żydowskiej, 1937
  • Rzemiosło w okręgu Izby Rzemieślniczej in Krakow, 1936
  • Structuralism demograficzna wychodźtwa sezonowego z Ziemi wileṅskiej do Łotwy w roku 1935
  • Capital Pieniężny jako przedmiot Badań geografii gospodarczej, 1935
  • Le Polonaise SILESIE, 1934 (fr)
  • Rozwój Polskiej Myśli geograficzno - gospodarczej 1866-1929, 1932
  • Silicone Shock Oil wiejskiej ludności Rolniczej w Polsce, 1931
  • Życie gospodarcze Kresów Wschodnich Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Z 6 ilustracjami oraz z atlasem, 1929
  • Eksport drewna w górnem polskiem dorzeczu Dunajca i Popradu 1927