Wiktor Wysoczański

Viktor Wysoczański ( born March 24, 1939 in Wysocko Wyżne, now Ukraine) is a senior bishop of the Polish Catholic Church.

After his priestly ordination on February 2, 1963 Wysoczański received on 5 June 1983 in Warsaw episcopal consecration by the archbishop of Utrecht Marinus Kok, after he was nominated in Wroclaw already on 15 May 1975 Bishop.

Bishop Wysoczański was a member of the Christian Peace Conference and participants of V. Allchristlichen Peace Convocation ( ACFV ) in 1978 and the VI. ACFV 1985 in Prague.

Wysoczański was elected in 1995 as the successor of Tadeusz Majewski to the Presiding Bishop of the Polish Catholic Church. The Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw conducted since 2002 by Wysoczański as rector.

In 1999 he received an honorary doctorate from the Christian Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Bern.
