Wilaquta (Tacna)


The Laguna Vilacota is a lake in the Andes mountains of South America in southeastern Peru.

The Laguna Vilacota lies in the region of Tacna at an altitude of 4,433 m above sea level.

The Laguna is seen as a source lake of the Rio Mauri, which flows from here, 220 km to the east and flows in Calacoto in the Río Desaguadero. The first 96 km of the Rio Mauri flows on Peruvian territory and then crossed the border to Bolivia, on whose territory the remaining 124 km are located.

The Laguna Vilacota jat an average length of four kilometers and an average width of three kilometers, its largest expansion in North-South direction is 4.400 m and in East-West direction 3,700 m.

  • Lake in South America
  • See in Peru
  • River system Río Desaguadero (Bolivia )
  • Tacna (Region)