Willy Holt

Willy Holt ( born November 30, 1921 in Quincy, Florida, United States, † June 22, 2007 in Paris, France) was an American art director and production designer.


Holt began his career in cabaret and the circus. In December 1943 he was arrested as a member of the French Resistance. When he came to France to film, he first worked with John Frankenheimer, Robert Parrish and Stanley Donen. In 1966 he paid the film Paris brûle - t-il? by René Clément made ​​. Later, he was among others for Louis Malle, Roman Polanski ( Lunes de fell, 1992), Fred Zinnemann, Woody Allen, Arthur Penn, Otto Preminger and Bertrand Blier active.

In 1987 he received a Cesar for his outfit from Louis Malle's Goodbye, kids.

Holt died in June 2007 at the age of 85 years in Paris.

Filmography (selection)
