Win–loss record (pitching)

A Win (indicated by W ) is a count statistic pitcher in baseball sport. It is credited to that pitcher, who was at the moment in the game in which his later winning team is the last time went with a run in the lead. This pitcher is pitcher for this game of Winning.

Exception is that a starting pitcher must have played at least five half- innings to get credited the win. Does the starting pitcher failed to achieve, but was still at the last date of leadership on the field, so one of the relief pitcher is awarded the win.

In any baseball game, there is always exactly one winning pitcher and a Losing Pitcher, these two are called Pitchers of Record. A Pitcher of Record can never get credited with a save.

The sum of all Wins and Losses are usually given together and referred to as the pitching record. Has a pitcher so for example, a pitching record of 14-8, he shall receive a credit for 14 wins and was loaded with 8 Losses. This pitching record can be specified for individual seasons, but also for the whole career.
