Wire-tailed Manakin

Fadenpipra ( Pipra filicauda )

The Fadenpipra ( Pipra filicauda ) is a South American bird Schnurr.


The male is black at the top, bright red on crown and nape and colored yellow on the face and the bottom. The outer spring pairs of long black tail are drawn out into thread-like tips. The plumage of the female is greenish with dark wings and tail and a yellow belly. The black eye is surrounded by a cere.


The bird lives in rain and secondary forests in Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Brazil.


The Fadenpipra holds mainly in the dense undergrowth on the forest floor, and also examines the crown area of trees when they bear fruit. In addition, he also eats insects.


In the mating season the males gather to dance places, to attract females. For mating ritual includes jumps, short flights, the reluctance of the springs and putting up the tail feathers. Supposedly tickle the males with their tail feathers, the females during courtship in throat and face. The nest is an untidy cup nest of plant fibers into small trees.
