
Withanolides are a group of at least 300 naturally occurring chemical compounds. They are found as secondary metabolites mainly in different genera of the Solanaceae, for example in the tomatillo and the eponymous Withania. Chemically, it is associated with a steroid skeleton lactones having 28 carbon atoms or their lactols or seco- derivatives; they are produced by oxidation of steroids. The benefit that Withanolides for the plant seems to be different; some of the substances in any case keeps insect larvae from having to eat the plant. Several withanolides showed in the laboratory for humans medically interesting effects.

Meanwhile, 13 genera of Solanaceae are known to occur in the species Withanolides, some of them: datura ( Datura ), Dunalia, violet shrubs ( Iochroma ), Bock mandrels ( Lycium ), Poison Berries ( Nicandra ), jujubes (Physalis ), Salpichroa, nightshade (Solanum ), Withania, Jaborosa.


Withaferin A from Withania somnifera (Withania somnifera ) was the first withanolide, which was isolated. An anti-inflammatory effect of various Withanolides the plant has been shown in animal studies; several dozen are known. The plant is used in medicine as ajurvedischen Ashwaganda.

Salpichrolid A, B and G ( from Salpichroa origanifolia ) have growth inhibitory effect on larvae of the Mediterranean fruit fly ( Ceratitis capitata ). They are therefore of interest for agriculture.

The Nicandrenone from the poison berry ( Nicandra physalodes ) are another group of withanolides with insecticidal activity. They were examined 30 years ago; In 2000, the first total synthesis.

Ixocarpalacton A from the tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica ) is a promising agent for the prevention of cancer.
