Wood-Tikchik State Park



The Wood - Tikchik State Park in western Alaska was founded in 1978 and is 6475 km ², which is the size of Delaware is approximately equal, the largest state park of Alaska and one of the largest in the United States.

The park is located north of Dillingham on the eastern flank of the Wood River Mountains, a mountain range of the Kuskokwim Mountains. It includes a number of major glacial lakes such as Lake Nerka, Lake Beverley, Lake Kulik, the Nuyakuk Lake or Lake Chikuminuk. The name derives from are the Wood River and the Lake Tikchik. To the west of the State Park on the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge, in the east is the plain of the Nushagak River.

The Togiak NWR and the west adjoining Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, together with the Wood - Tikchik State Park a contiguous protected area of around 98,400 km ², which is about the size of Hungary.

The park is located in the transition zone of coniferous forest to tundra. White spruce and birch trees grow to an altitude of about 300 m, then there are bogs, heaths, alpine meadows and bare rock.

All five species of Pacific salmon are found in the waters of the park. Moose, caribou and brown bears live throughout the park, black bears are found in lower inventories only in the northern and eastern part. In addition to many species of water birds have among other things, bald eagles, golden eagles, terns or plovers here a habitat.
