
Workerism ( Italian: operaismo ) refers to both a neo-Marxist flow and a social movement that originated in the early 1960s in the industrial northern Italy. The term is derived from the Italian word operaio ( for " workers ").


In clear demarcation from the Italian Communist Party, whose political strategy was entirely focused on the conquest of the state apparatus, the workerists gave strict anti-state and promoted the fight against factory work. The focus of the considerations is always the subjectivity of workers whose not always obvious struggle against work as a driving movement moment in history is conceived. The movements of the capital side and the capitalist society are understood as reactions to this struggle of the workers, not vice versa.

International attentive caused workerists from the early 1970s with large-scale and often long-lasting Bestreikungen of automotive factories; using some spectacular and ruthless methods were applied up to the kidnapping of managers. As a consequence of their rejection of factory work, there was an intense devotion to social issues (especially housing and nursing). In addition, a diverse and accordingly confusing media production was made (especially magazines and radio broadcasts). Of the numerous social centers that were built in the heyday of the movement as meeting places, some have survived in Italian cities today.

Important representatives of Operaism are Alquati Romano, Antonio Negri, Raniero Panzieri and Mario Tronti. Additional representatives: Aris Accornero, Franco Berardi, Sergio Bologna, Rita Di Leo and Alberto Asor Rosa.

Theoretical Basis

Theoretical starting point was the journal Quaderni Rossi founded in the early 1960s by Raniero Panzieri ( Red books ) and their cleavage Classe operaia. The development of the productive forces does not automatically follow a historic Act ( historical determinism ), but must be accompanied by a consistent discipline and dressing of the persons in the work process. At this point, therefore, could use struggles to overcome capitalism. Refusal to work, " playing sick ", sabotage in the workplace, etc. to prevent decomposition of the necessary discipline and interfere with the development of the productive forces. This could lead to crises and to a revolution. So the workerism practiced a critique of the work. As a means of raising awareness and agitation also been developed by Marx "Questionnaire for workers" was the operaisti used. About the participatory analysis of " class composition " in so-called militants studies of the specific starting point of effective struggles of the working class should be developed.

The historical starting point

The emergence of Operaism in Italy coincided with a crisis of the Communist Party and the trade unions. Many, especially young workers felt no longer represented by them since the explosive nature of the problem of factory discipline was not recognized. So it came to wildcat strikes, which resulted in the Autonomia, a broad social movement emerged. Against the background of the " Hot Autumn " (1969) new groups were formed (see Potere operaio ). In the theoretical discussion, the shape of the " mass worker " by the concept of " operaio sociale " ( social worker ) was based on the idea of the general intellect replaced by Marx.

The Autonomous acted locally and militant. Last but not least on the criminalization ( a direct link between armed groups like the Red Brigades and the Autonomous was constructed by the state and media ) in 1977 finally massive tracks the movement of Autonomia after a renewed flare-up of social struggles by the Italian State and ultimately destroyed. Thousands were arrested on charges of terrorism or even sympathy with terrorists, including the political theorist Antonio Negri.


Although the Operaism is in the tradition of the Italian Operaism combines the approaches but with aspects of French post-structuralism. Central concepts of Operaism include Empire, bio-power and bio- politics, immaterial labor, multitude and sovereignty.

Known representatives are next to Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt and Maurizio Lazzarato. A proximity is also the philosopher Giorgio Agamben.
