World Fantasy Award

The World Fantasy Award is a literary prize on since 1975 annually at the World Fantasy Convention, an annual, taking place from early November gathering of collectors and professionally or otherwise in art or literature from the field of Light and Dark Fantasy interested, for outstanding achievements the field of Fantasy will be given. The number of participating members at the event is limited to 850.

Excellent, works in the field of fantasy that have been nominated within the nomination period; may be nominated works within a year after its release.

At the World Fantasy Award is used the year at the awards ceremony, in which the prize was awarded.


Currently, the prize will be awarded in the following categories:

  • Life Achievement ( Lifetime Achievement )
  • Novel ( novel)
  • Novella ( short novel )
  • Short fiction ( narrative / short story)
  • Anthology ( Anthology )
  • Collection (Collection)
  • Artist ( Artist )
  • Special Award: Professional
  • Special Award: Non- Professional


  • Title of fiction as a short ( novella, novelette, short story) cataloged works (as is often the case for distinguishing homonymous anthologies, anthologies, collections and novels ) including "ordinary" in quotation marks and not in addition italics.
  • There are exceptions for stories that were published as a single book and are already so long that there is no danger that they will be expanded to the novel (compatible with the information in the Locus Index to SF Awards).
  • In order to reduce the number of redundancies and thereby increase the maintainability, it is best, " original title" on an item to attach a link, in which the associated German editions are listed.

Novel ( novel)

This category includes plants with a length of 40,000 or more words.

Novella ( short novel )

This category includes plants with a length of 17500-40000 words.

First awarded in 1982.

Short Fiction / Short Story ( narrative / short story)

Here tales and short stories are mostly together in a single category called Short Fiction ( type: f) available to choose from. Being considered for the prize works no story, so instead the Short Story category ( type: s) used.

Anthology / Collection ( Anthology / Collection )

By 1987, the prize was awarded in a single category, the first Collection / Anthology, and later in the reverse order Anthology / Collection ( Type: A / C) was called. And Collection ( type C ): Since 1988, separate categories Anthology (A type ) are offered.
