Wörter und Sachen

Words and things is a performing research direction for language and content research, which (1909 ff Heidelberg) presented its results for the first time in a same cultural-historical magazine.

She criticized the originally very focused on the Lute " atomism " of the neo-grammarians and wanted to integrate the science of language in the "whole" of cultural studies. As a result, they dealt with the investigation of the mutual relationship between the words and the designation of such objects and situations. The " words - and - thing " movement among other linguists Rudolf Meringer, Wilhelm Meyer- Lübke and Hugo Schuchardt were connected.

Typical results of this research are the Linguistic Atlas of the German and Switzerland - the name says it all - the language and subject Atlas of Italy and southern Switzerland.


  • R. Meringer, words and stuff. IF 17, 1904/ 05 release.
  • H. Schuchardt, things and words. Anthropos 7, 1912.
  • Metzler Lexikon Sprache, articles words and things.
  • Peter Ernst: German Linguistics. Vienna 2008.
  • Historical Linguistics
  • Dialectology of the German