
Xerophilie is the property of living beings to prefer dry habitats. Living things with this property is called xerophilic. Organisms that prefer dry warm habitats that are called xerothermophil.


At xerophilic animals are categorized according to the presence or absence of perspiration protection of two types:

  • The locusts type has no mechanisms to limit transpiration and therefore loses a lot of water. He can compensate for this loss by incorporating water- food again. Locusts can therefore hunger only when there is enough water supply endure.
  • When Anobientyp transpiration is so greatly reduced that the animal can survive drought and over a long time. These serve various adjustments: insects have a thick cuticle, reptiles a horn tank, screw fixed dishes with lids. Birds and caterpillars take the water from feces and urine before leaving again ( reabsorption ). Many desert and steppe dwellers avoid high transpiration by looking up hiding places and prevent high sunlight.


Also in plants, there are xerophile representatives who prefer dry locations. However, this term does not coincide completely with the more commonly used term xerophyte that identifies plants that occur mainly on dry sites.
